
“The enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan.” - Carl von Clausewitz

Improvement is the next step to activation or execution. When you launch a rocket from Earth with a goal to reach Mars, you never point the rocket towards the moon and fire. The best engineers and scientists plan the course and then set off the rocket at the right time, from the right place. Yet, there are more than 100 total failure modes that they have to bypass. Almost always, they have to course-correct, though by a degree or two, but they have to course-correct, because there are thousands of variables at play.

If you have planned a media or marketing campaign, you will agree that it almost never goes as planned. You have to keep a keen eye and optimize it at regular intervals. The improve module of consumr.ai is a step in that direction. If you go through the articles of the campaigns module, you will know that we build extremely intelligent plans based on data signals. Yet, no one can guarantee that it will hit the bullseye each and every time. Improve is a composition of various algorithms at play, that are not just driven by machine learning, but they are also heavily guided by statistical models and heuristics for perfect decision making. In short, these algorithms aim at course-correcting your campaign’s budgets, ads and targeting to help it reach its goal. What is brilliant about it is that, you don’t need to activate a campaign from consumr.ai, yet it will provide you incredible insights on course-correcting your campaigns.

This section covers articles on:

Ad optimization, through Copy and Visual Ad optimization modules.

  • Budget optimization, called Investments

  • Targeting optimization, called Audience Resonance; and

  • Ad optimization, through Copy and Visual Ad optimization modules.

Demonstration Showcase

Read More about each section of Improve

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