Custom Segments



This type of Google Ads campaign meets basic requirements, enabling the use of insight reports to create three unique campaigns. These can be activated on the Google Ads platform with distinct targeting sets. This article will cover when, where, and how to implement this.

Getting Started

Regardless of your starting point, be it an insight report or the activation section, when you click the new campaign button, a modal will pop up. If your goal is to create a Google Ads campaign, select Google Ads as the platform. Doing so will reveal various campaign types just beneath, where you have the option to choose custom segments and proceed by clicking "Set up."

Setting it up

At this point, you need to choose the intelligence to incorporate into your campaign. If you arrive directly from an inside, it will pre-fill in the dropdown menu, but you can change it if necessary. If you started a "new campaign" from the activation section, there won't be a preselected insight. Next, we'll cover how to select the appropriate insight for three different scenarios:

Situation 1: recalling the insight's name for use

In such cases, bypass the checkboxes above and go straight to the "select insights" dropdown. If you recall the insight's name, type it; if not, scroll through the dropdown to find and select the desired insight.

Situation 2: You've forgotten the name of the insight, but you recall the keyword that generated it.

To search with keywords, click the 'search using keywords' checkbox in the implant presets. A searchable dropdown appears, allowing you to enter a keyword. Pressing enter filters the created insights relevant to this keyword for selection. If no insights exist for the keyword, you're by prompted to create one on the fly, without being redirected, as the system adds it seamlessly for your subsequent selection.

Situation 3: If you're unsure of the insight's name or keyword but know the brand's URL, use the URL search option.

Check the box, and an address bar will display below. Inputting the URL searches for insights associated with it, preparing them for selection in a subsequent dropdown. If no reports match, the system offers to generate an insight automatically and fill the report name in the next dropdown.

Note: You may only choose one intent report here.

Planning Prerequisites

After setting the presets, you'll notice that your campaign is automatically given a name. You can modify it by clicking the edit icon next to the name field.

Next, you must choose a plan type, with three available options: you can opt for one, two, or all three, which indicate whether you're creating a URL, video, or keyword plan.

When you've made your choice (in this scenario, we’ve chosen all three), proceed by selecting the targeting button to move forward.

Additionally, on the left side of the form, you'll find a workflow map that advances step by step as you progress through the campaign setup stages.


This part is designed for you to choose the internal intelligence pieces you've picked out, and decide which ones should shape the campaign strategy.

Keyword filter type

This drop-down menu allows you to choose the type of filter for the insight categories, trends, or funnels. For more information on these options, refer to our intent insight article. You can select only one option. The subsequent drop-down's contents will be determined by your choice: selecting 'categories' shows all categories from the intent insight report; choosing 'trends' offers three patterns - rising, flat, and undefined here; and opting for 'funnels' provides four levels - all, top funnel, mid funnel, and lower funnel.

Keyword Filters

The keywords in this section are generated based on your choices from the dropdowns above. By default, a maximum of three keywords with high potential volume will be selected. If you prefer different keywords, you can deselect any of them by clicking the cross button next to each one. Additionally, you can include more keywords from the insight report by using the 'add more' option, which lets you select them manually.

Targeting Thresholds

On the upper right side of the section, there's a meter labeled targeting thresholds. It displays the count of keywords chosen for creating a campaign. You are limited to selecting up to 6 keywords, so it's advised to choose them judiciously.

Mindset Filter Type

Similar to the keyword filter type, the mindset filter type assists you in narrowing down the mindset report results within the intent insight feature.

Given that this section isn't required, the system won't suggest any keywords. Nevertheless, you're free to include them on your own accord. Keep in mind, the maximum of six keywords is cumulative for both keyword and mindset entries.

Exclude keywords from account

This practical checkbox feature prevents keyword duplication. For those seeking new keywords while avoiding current account keywords, this option is ideal. The system compares your existing keywords against campaign draft recommendations to exclude any that are already in use.

After choosing your options, we can move on to the next phase where your plan will be generated. Please click on the "create draft plan" button to continue.

The campaign plan

The campaign plan does not generate immediately; rather, the platform requires some processing time as it constructs it in real time using live data. This data undergoes analysis using various algorithms before producing a plan more likely to yield successful outcomes.

Keyword Plan

Initially, a word cloud will appear, displaying keywords from the processed data as tags, with larger tags indicating higher frequency. A keyword table follows, which you can filter using the word cloud by left-clicking to select tag-related keywords or right-clicking to exclude tags, thus refining your search.

The table appearing beneath the word cloud will feature three columns: one for the keyword, the second for estimated volume, and the third for competition level. Should you wish to add more keywords, simply select them for consideration.

Video Plan

If you select multiple plan types and scroll down, a second word cloud appears, this time for video URLs. Its functionality mirrors that of the keyword word cloud, but the tags differ as they are derived from video URL descriptions. Beneath the word cloud, there's a thumbnail gallery displaying video screenshots.

You can select one video, or all videos and they will then be considered for activation.

URL Plan

This plan displays a word cloud similar to those found in the keyword and video plans, accompanied by a table listing all URLs. The word cloud's functionality mirrors that of the other plans, with the distinction here being in the tags, which are derived from the URLs' metadata. Below is a snapshot of the table featuring the URLs.

There are two methods to download the available plans. Each plan has a corresponding download button, and there is also a 'download all' button located at the bottom of the page. To download an individual plan, simply click on the specific download button linked to it. If you wish to obtain all the plans, select the 'download all' option.

Please note that only the checked items—keywords, URLs, and video URLs—will be included in your download. As the default setting leaves these unchecked, initiating the download without making any selections will result in receiving an empty file.

Activation Settings

Ultimately, there is a button labeled "begin activation" which initiates an immediate transfer from the platform to Google ads.

Clicking the Begin Activation button reveals a new form titled "activation settings." This walkthrough will cover each section:

Select Type: A dropdown offers two choices—to add targets to an existing or new campaign. Existing campaign selection requires a campaign name, while new campaign selection needs a seed campaign, which is further explained in the article.

Ad account: An ad account is necessary for activation. Since you've granted access through your Google Ads login, all available accounts from that login will be displayed for selection.

Seed campaign: Instead of creating from scratch, utilizes a similar existing campaign. Choose one, and the system will duplicate it with modified targeting.

Campaign name: Only applicable if starting a new campaign, where the previously chosen campaign name will appear.

Campaign budget: Set the budget here, allocated based on the date range and criteria from the reference campaign.

Date range: Determine the activation period with a To and From date.

Name of the segment: Give a unique name to the segment you're activating. After filling out the form, hit “activate” to submit the data into Google Ads, and track the progress within the system.

Last updated