Search Themes



Search themes are a feature in Google Ads that allows you to incorporate keywords and phrases your customers might use when searching for your products, assisting Performance Max campaigns in targeting the appropriate audience.

Incorporating keywords and phrases is just the beginning; understanding which ones will steer performance max campaigns towards success is another matter entirely. With the introduction of the search themes camping feature, empowers users to leverage the power of behavioral and intent insights to develop search themes that are more likely to provide a positive boost to PMax campaigns. This article will explore the various facets of this process and how one can achieve desired outcomes.

How to get there?

1. Similar to other campaigns, there are two methods to target search themes:

2. You can initiate or tap into an existing behavior or intent insight,

3. Alternatively, you can navigate straight to the activation section and select the 'create campaign' option located at the upper right corner of the webpage.

Selecting platform and campaign type

To initiate a new campaign, first choose a platform. For example, if creating a Google ads search themes campaign, select 'Google Ads' as the platform and then choose 'Search Themes' as the campaign type. After making your choices, click “set up” to proceed.

At the workflow's planned presets stage, you'll find preset steps on the left for building your campaign. On the right are forms to fill out or verify. Start by choosing an insight from the "Select Insights" dropdown—with options like behavior and intent insights. Ensure accuracy by reviewing the corresponding insight section before adding it to your plan; only one can be selected.

After selection, the campaign name auto-fills below, which you can edit to fit your needs. This name serves as a future reference and is not critical during activation, as the plan's themes will merge with an existing asset group.

With fewer steps than other campaigns, simply click “Create draft plan” to start crafting your search themes.

It will take a few minutes to get the plan ready. Just so you have a time reference, the pop up message will give you an estimated time it will take to create the plan, for the anxious hearts.

The Search Themes

Similar to custom segments and combined segment plans, you will receive a word cloud. This feature consists of tags generated automatically by the system, corresponding to the frequency of categorized keywords. Tags that appear larger indicate a greater volume of search themes associated with them.

The functionality of a word cloud on this platform allows for interactive filtering: clicking on a tag will highlight it and refine the search results within the subsequent table. Conversely, right-clicking on a tag will omit it from the word cloud and correspondingly filter out any associated terms in the table.

The table contains three columns: keywords, keyword volume, and competition. You can select a maximum of 30 terms to prepare for addition to the asset group. Below the table is a download button, which allows you to download your selected search themes. Alternatively, if you choose not to download, you can directly add them to the asset group in Google Ads by clicking the activation button at the bottom.

Activation settings

Upon clicking the activation button, a brief form will appear for you to complete. The first dropdown is preset with one option that should be left as is.

Ad account: Choose an ad account where you wish for the search theme to be deployed.

Seed campaign: Use this to lessen the effort in setting up a new asset group by selecting a campaign with an existing asset group to which you'll add the search themes.

Asset Group: From the available asset groups in your chosen campaign, pick one to include these search themes.

Once done, click 'Activate'. will start the activation process, indicating success once complete, or providing an error message with details if it fails. If it's a system error beyond your control, please report the issue using the bug icon at the screen's bottom right.

Last updated