Intent Insight

Working with an Intent Report


Consumers are at the very core of any business that has ever existed. To be able to reach out to these consumers, it is imperative to map every touch point of their decision making and build your business strategy over it. To understand ProfitWheel’s philosophy of Consumer Intelligence, please go through our blog {Name of the Blog}. In this manual, we will cover an extremely important touch point of the Consumer Journey, “Intent”.

The starting point of Intent is from the Omnibox. In case you have never used the Omnibox, want to know more about it or have questions about different ways of using it, please refer to the Product Manual, “Omnibox – The Starting Point”. In this manual, we will only cover usage of Omnibox with reference to fetching the Intent Insight Report.

Using The Omnibox to generate an Intent Report

Once you are on the Insights page, it is difficult to ignore Omnibox, which is the search box that is prominently placed in the middle of the Home Page.[SB1] [DK2]

Click on it and it will show you the top audiences from the audience platforms connected to your organization and the once you have access to. However, that is not the option would want to take, as selecting an audience will lead to fetch other types of insights and not Intent. [SB3] [DK4]

To fetch an Intent Insight, you can start by typing a keyword. In the example above, we went with the word fragrance, with an intent to search for intent surrounding perfumes or fresheners. Remember, you don’t always have to enter a specific category or product you are looking at. Sometimes entering a broader term can help you identify different universes or even the place of your product in a universe. Hence, we took a broader term as “Fragrance” instead of “Perfume”.

You can spot in the screenshot that it shows up Keywords at the top left of the recommendations drop down, Interest on the right and below them both, we have the Audiences. Let’s focus on the keywords side of recommendations. You can click on show more to see more recommendations or simply hit enter to select the keyword you have entered. When you hit Enter/Command on entering a word or a phrase, it will consider it as a Keyword input by default.

In the country field, it will pick up the country you are logging in from, by default. Should you want to get results from another country, please change it by clicking on the flag.

Omnibox intelligently picks up the best report you should generate with the input. If intent is not selected by default, kindly select Intent. Towards the left of the search bar, it shares if the volume of the keyword selected is sufficient or not, for the report to give you significant insights that you can rely on.

Advanced Filters

You will see 2 options there, ‘Exclude keywords’ helps you to remove the noise from the results. For example, if you are sure that you don’t want to see an output related to air fresheners, you can just exclude it. Language will ensure that you get results with linguistic skewness. You add cities if you are looking for results from a specific geographies.

Once you are sure about your inputs, click the arrow towards the right to fetch the insights.

Intent Summary

As in all the reports, a Summary Card is quick synopsis of the report you are looking to analyze. Just to add the visual element to it, it will give a picture of the intended or dominant product that forms a part of the results, along with the Category. If the keyword you have chosen is as broad as Fragrances, you may not get a category for it. It also gives you related keywords like Perfume or Cologne to help you identify how your primary keyword can branch out to something either specific or parallel.

The Basic/Standard Report (without Advanced AI)

The basic report gives you 2 cards upfront.

Card # 1: Seasonal Split

The first one on the left is a seasonal split that tells you do the keywords divide between Topical and Evergreen.

Topical Keywords: These keywords are the ones that are either trending right now or seasonal in nature.

Evergreen Keywords: These keywords are the ones that are consistently searched for throughout the year.

In this case, it clearly shows that fragrances are not seasonal, but is something that people prefer without any external bias.

Card # 2: Intent Cluster

This is a word cloud of Themes or categories in which all the keywords are clustered. It helps you identify the dominance of the type of keywords. For example, in the screenshot above, “Perfume” takes up majority of the share. If your product is Perfume, it should make you particularly happy.

If you think that Perfume is an obvious output or if you are considering perfume as a noise and want to see the results without it, simply right click on the keyword in the cluster and it will be hidden. It will help you identify other smaller clusters to understand the nature of non-dominant keywords. The screenshot below, exemplifies this.

Card # 3: Consumer Intent Details

If you left click on any of the cluster in the word cloud, it will open a list of keywords along with an estimated volume for your reference. You need to remember, that. To know how to create a plan, read about Intent Pre-flight by clicking here.

Filtering Keywords

As shown in the screenshot below, you can also filter the keywords to by clicking of the piechart or word cloud that acts as filters. Like clicking on Topical section in the pie chart, filters the word cloud without including Perfume as the dominant word. This can also help you branch out the nature of the campaign, by splitting Topical keywords in a different campaign than Evergreen.

The Advanced AI Report

Advanced AI is a layer or deeper intelligence applied output that gives more dimension, options, features and/or opportunities for you to slice the basic report and take a more informed decision. In an intent report there 2 very important insights that it adds to the mix.

At the top of the report page and to the right of the Intent Summary, you will see a card that allows you to enable Advanced AI. Click it and the report will start processing. Please remember that Advanced AI required intensive calculations and hence it may take from 30 secs to 7 minutes to get you the output. The time completely depends on the type of keywords you are working with.

Consumer Mindset

Before you learn to read a Mindset report, it is essential to understand what it is for. Mindset touches upon the inception of the consumer journey. To explain this with an example of a person who have never used PlayStation but has always heard about it from friends and acquaintances. This person builds up his mindset about the product and what he thinks about it. It may not be factually accurate but is a mix of various information cluttered up to form an opinion. In other words, Mindset is what the consumers are thinking. Now, Sony launches PlayStation, and this person has a mindset about what is to come in the market and gives it a thought to buy it. At this stage the next digital touch point is to share his intent with Google.

Now mindset in isolation cannot be made actionable. However, when it is clubbed with Intent, it gives a very deep perspective to how the consumer’s thought process translates into Intent and hence, search.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

This section simply mentions the top 3 questions that the consumers have from a market. As you can see in the screenshot, the 3 core questions are what the consumers are thinking about, when they hear about this shoe brand. It helps you give Content and Creative input on how you would want to answer these questions that the consumers have.

Knowledge Cluster (Questions)

This is a very specific card that gives you keywords related to the core keyword(s) have selected. This helps you understand the branching of the core keyword to all other relevant keywords. Simply click on a bubble to reveal the next branch. This helps in building parallel branches to explore new boundaries that have never been explored to get incremental yield.

In addition, you also get Top keywords related to the consumer mindset. We have built provision to convert these datapoints as valuable actionable inputs, as we move to Pre-flight mode. To know more about it, please refer to the manual, “How to build a Pre-flight plan for intent & Mindset?”

Top Comparisons

This section focuses on competitor keywords. It will give you 3 phrases that surrounds your competitors. It helps in identifying the different in the mindset of the consumers when it comes to your brand versus your competitors.

HINT: Please note that, besides giving a fair bit of idea about the competitors you can uses these suggestions to build on a content, creative or media strategy and/or plan.

Top Keywords: This section has related keywords like the Questions section. It gives you more information about your competitors and how their keywords branch out to other. [SB1] [DK2] There are times when you can find common keywords for your product as well as your competitors. You can link them to understand how they connect, by comparing 2 related keywords graph.

Consumer Intent (Conversion Funnel)

Giving an analysis on a spread of keyword is sure a handy option to have. However,’s intelligence goes a step ahead with its Advanced AI feature. It provides the ability to break the keywords down 3 level of Conversion Funnel. Once you enable ‘Advanced AI’ it takes between 3 to 7 minutes to generate the Intent/Conversion Funnel.

The funnel is broken down in to 3 levels, Top, Mid and Bottom.

Top Level of the funnel clusters the keywords that are broader, investigative, and farthest away from conversion.

Mid Level of the funnel clusters the keywords that are more aligned to the objective, yet away from Conversion

Lower Level of the funnel clusters keywords that appear to be closer to conversion.

As per the screen shot of the funnel above, you can see that the Bottom level comprises of just 2% of the keywords. This is not a great news for a campaign with a Conversion Objective. However, 72

% top level of the funnel would mean that there is a great opportunity for brand awareness.

The funnel visualization also acts as an action button to filter out the word cloud. If you click on the top level, the word cloud realigns to share the clusters only for Top level. You can click top level again to deselect it.


Mindset and Intent covers a critical stage in the consumer life cycle. This stage over a period shapes the habits, behaviors, and loyalty towards the product. It provides you with an opportunity to filter out your plan based on the sample, it provides. Using this insight as a playground to create a perfect launch pad for a well calculated and efficient Media, Creative or Content Strategy and plan. On the other hand, for research purpose or to build a holistic business strategy Intent and Mindset can be woven in the storyline, alongside Behavior, Market, Social and Product Report to give a 360 degree view of the consumer landscape.

Last updated